Devoted to Environmental Awareness and Technological Advancements in Research
Publisher profile: Euresian Publication
Primus Books has commissioned, and shall continue to do so in future, the best authors and works in critical, contemporary writings on South Asia that bridges trade and academic markets. Our current strength is in the fields of history, anthropology, politics and current affairs, Indo-Persian stu...
Publisher profile: Primus Books
We are a small, alternative book publishing venture located in Goa, India, a historic former Portuguese colony and currently the smallest State (province) in India. The company’s name memorialises the date when the first printing press in Asia came into operation in Goa.
Publisher profile: Goa,1556
We edit, design, publish, and help writers with their projects.
Publisher profile: tiger moon productions
Publishers of Academic Books in the field of agriculture, botany, biotechnology, microbiology, seed science, horticulture, floriculture,commerce, management, human rights, journalslim, education, library science, environment, biodiversity, sociology, political science,etc
Publisher profile: Pointer Publishers
Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, a 25- year old company, a young publisher with a very aggressive publishing programme in the field of Agriculture, Biotechnology, Humanities and commerce books . We publish undergraduate/postgraduate reference works and multi volume sets.
Publisher profile: Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors
Publishing books in English, Tamil and other Indian languages. Offering publishing services (content development, translation, DTP, E-publishing) in all major international / national langauges. Seeking partnership in both books rights, distributing, selling and service business.
Publisher profile: Aazhi Publihsers
Pulisher on art, archaeology, architecture, history, culture, philosophy, Sanskrit literature & studies, dance, music, sociology and other related subjects.
Publisher profile: Sharada Publishing House
Mellinam – A unit of Paradigm Media Pvt Ltd., is a publishing company aimed at bringing into paper, in the the form of books, anything pertaining to Islam. By doing so we intend to reach a wide of variety of audience who in some way are interested in Islam, acquaint them with the diversity of Isl...
Publisher profile: Mellinam
Publishing Books
Publisher profile: Shiksha Suman Prakashan Mandir