Website of a newspaper covering the southern states in particular.
Publisher profile: The New Indian Express
Global Antifraud Social media and Digital Antifraud Magazine producing anti-fraud news, articles, events, resources, trainings, workshops.
Publisher profile: Fraudexpress Media
EduPedia Publications s is an enterprise run by a team of dedicated publishers, editors and writers. We provide young and budding writers and poets a platform for scaling the ladder of success in the field of literature.
Publisher profile: Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd
Xact Studio International is a credited publisher of children's books, story-books, art books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, knowledge books for all ages and yearbooks. We provide total publishing solutions, co-editions and copyrights to countries worldover.
Publisher profile: Xact Studio International
Anmol has published over 200 multivolumes works and encyclopedia covering different academic streams and subject like philosophy, religion, culture, history and many more subjects.
Publisher profile: Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd
BVICAM is actively involved in research activities. It published a bi-annual Research Journal and regularly conference proceedings.
Publisher profile: Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management, New Delhi
Niranjana Publication established on 14th april 2009. to publish books and calendars. very soon publishing a very interesting book.
Publisher profile: Niranjana Publication
We are an important player in publishing industry in India Backed by the state of the art technology from designing of finishing of books we specializes in coffee-table books on rich Indian tradition. After creating a nice in domestic market now we enter.
Publisher profile: Niyogi Offset Pvt Ltd (Publishing Division)
A publisher of original English work for adults and children. Based in Bangalore India. Looking for co-operation in publishing, distribution, rights for India and also selling their books overseas. Runs creative writing competitions with Reliance Timeout.
Publisher profile: Unisun Publications, Div of Unisun Technologies