Publisher of a wide range of books for schools, colleges, individual buyers, corporates and academic books for reference and research. The company publishes around 250 new titles every year and has evolved a large number of new Indian authors.
Publisher profile: Macmillan India Limited
Focus Medica delivers innovative audio-visual titles in digital format such as 3D animated videos that simplify the understanding of health and medical concepts.
Publisher profile: Focus Medica India Pvt Ltd
Bahuroopi Publishers, established in 2018, is a distinguished publishing house specializing in Kannada and English literature. Recognized for its exceptional content and production quality, it publishes award-winning books across genres, fostering literary excellence and cultural heritage in India.
Publisher profile: Bahuroopi
Welcome to the INZINC PUBLISHERS company with a splendid range of Children-related products and Textbooks for Engineering course. We offer interesting and innovative products for children like Education Charts, Flash Cards, Teaching Aids, Award Ribbons, Motivational Stickers, Math Game, Copy writ...
Publisher profile: Inzinc Publishers
Books for Change is an alternative and independent publishing and distribution initiative set up to offer the readers informed choices on issues of social relevance from a development perspective.
Publisher profile: BOOKS FOR CHANGE
Dienstleister für Multi-linguales e-Pub-lizieren. Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Datenkonvertierung-RTF, XML, SGML, PDF und Satz unter Einsatz der XML Standards-XSLT, XSL-FO, DTD und Schema. Lösungen für Loseblatt, Büchern, Fachzeitschriften,…
Publisher profile: Shiv e-Publishing Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
A leading Medical Publisher and Distributor in India, Panther has over 20 years expertise in providing product-linked promotional support with books, journals, medical literature, charts and other scientific literature. We are closely associated with several international publishers and exclusive...
Publisher profile: Panther Publishers Pvt Ltd
A publisher of original English work for adults and children. Based in Bangalore India. Looking for co-operation in publishing, distribution, rights for India and also selling their books overseas. Runs creative writing competitions with Reliance Timeout.
Publisher profile: Unisun Publications, Div of Unisun Technologies
CerraMatter is an online bookstore selling new and used/second-hand books exclusively for the book-lovers residing in India with free shipping. Feel free to browse the catalog containing more than 40,000 titles in different genres. You can read sample chapters before you purchase the book. Cli...
Publisher profile: Haley Joel
WordLab Media Pvt Ltd is a company involved in Publication. The company currently produces a magazine called 'Blinkster' for students @ High School Level. Our Vision is to become the most innovative media company with the help of motivated, Talented, innovative and dedicated people to create Maxi...
Publisher profile: WordLab Media Pvt. Ltd