The Opale agency groups the widest collection of writers pictures. You'll find here authors, politicians, philosophers, sociologists, journalists, poets, intellectuals. All photographed in high quality images.
Profile of: Agence Opale, Paris, France
Avec plus de 900 titres, les Editions LGDJ Monchrestien offrent aux étudiants et aux praticiens un large choix de collections: les précis Domat, les précis Eco, la collection Clefs, etc.
Profile of: L.G.D.J. Montchrestien-Gualino, Paris, France
Paper Management for European Publishers including stock management at print sites, consignment stock, supply chain optimization, carbon footprint calculation and optimization.
Profile of: Valpaco SA, Rungis, France
Archipel Studio works since 1994 as packager for the most prestigious French and international publishing houses. We are covering a wide range of non-fiction subjects, gardening, travelling, food....
Profile of: Archipel Studio, Paris, France
Publishers and distributors of books and magazines (L'architecture d'aujourd'hui, Techniques & architecture, genesis...). Fine arts, architecture, design, landscape, urban city planning, photography, social sciences, literature, poetry, surrealism…
Profile of: Place Editions Editions Jean-Michel Place, Paris, France
Editorial consultancy and rights management: psychology, health, metaphysics, practical life, nature books, book objects. International rights: Silberschnur (D), Schors (NL), Tredaniel (F).
Profile of: Media Services International Peter Schmidt, Paris, France
C12 digitalize drawings, paintings and produce high quality books, DVD's and other kind of support in a worldwide distribution.
Profile of: C12 Editions Codex Images International, Paris, France
Agence Littéraire Elaine Benisti.
Profile of: Agence Elaine Benisti, Paris, France
Representation of French authors in central Europe and of a selection of bestselling Polish authors worldwide.
Profile of: Agence de l'Est, Paris, France