Translation Services Companies of France

Listing all 2 French translation services companies

Page 1 of 1 of all the French companies offering translation services to authors and publishers listed in the directory of translation services companies of France. Remove the country filter to see the list of all companies offering translation services to authors and publishers

Agence Littéraire Lora Fountain & Associates

Paris, France

Subrights agency selling French, Russian, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and German-language translation rights for (primarily) English-Language publishers & agents. Adult fiction, non-fiction & illustrated; children's and young adults fiction.

Profile of: Agence Littéraire Lora Fountain & Associates, Paris, France
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Michelle Lapautre Literary Agency

Paris, France

Represents US, British, and Canadian agents and publishers for the sale of French translation rights.

Profile of: Michelle Lapautre Literary Agency, Paris, France
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2 suppliers listed under 'Translation services companies of France'
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