Publishing Services Companies of France

Listing 31 to 40 of 86 French Publishing Service Companies

Page 4 of 9 of all the publishing services companies listed in the French directory of services


Grénoble, France

Profile of: Glénat, Grénoble, France

Bureau International de l'Edition Française (BIEF)

Paris, France

BIEF-Bureau International de l'Edition Française is responsible for the international promotion of French books abroad to maintain the French book industry throughout the world. For more information, visit our website

Profile of: Bureau International de l'Edition Française (BIEF), Paris, France

L'Atelier Du Poisson Soluble

Le Puy-en-Velay, France

Profile of: L'Atelier Du Poisson Soluble, Le Puy-en-Velay, France

Max Milo Jeunesse

Paris, France

Profile of: Max Milo Jeunesse, Paris, France


Retrouvez sur plein de bonnes infos concernant l’astrologie mais également la voyance, l’horoscope, la numérologie et les arts divinatoires en général. Ce site deviendra votre partenaire avenir en vous guidant sur plusieurs thématiques notamment l’amour, le travail mais également le...

Profile of:, France


Paris, France

Ouvrages scientifiques et techniques (marques: Tec1Doc, Lavoisier et Hermés). Scientific and technical books (Tec1Doc, Lavoisier et Hermés) imprints in all fields.

Profile of: Lavoisier, Paris, France

Mercure de France

Paris, France

Littérature, romans, essais, poésie, mémoires.

Profile of: Mercure de France, Paris, France

France - Bief

Paris, France

Profile of: France - Bief, Paris, France

Images en Manoeuvres Editions

Marseille, France

Images En Manoeuvres Editions" is an outstanding venture in publishing largely due to finesse and insight of Arnoud" Bizalion and André Frère. From photography to modern and contemporary art, fashion to the cinema via architecture and the national heritage one might even be tempted to say they do...

Profile of: Images en Manoeuvres Editions, Marseille, France

Centre d'Exportation du Livre Français (C.E.L.F.)

Paris, France

Centre d'Exportation du Livre Français. Created in 1977, C.E.L.F. supplies all French and speaking-French books and periodicals to all bookstores and professionals around the world. More than 6.000 suppliers, 4.000 books delivered each day, a unique database available on the net.

Profile of: Centre d'Exportation du Livre Français (C.E.L.F.), Paris, France

86 publishing companies in the directory of French suppliers

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