French Language Publishers of France

Listing 111 to 120 of 208 French publishers listed in the French publishers directories

Page 12 of 21 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of France that are listed under 'French Publishers. Remove 'France' filter to see all french language publishers. Remove 'French' filter to see the list of all French publishers

Ulisse éditions

Paris, France

Ulisse éditions publish how-to books dealing with arts crafts and sport. With 10 years' experience, it specializes in comprehensive full color, generously illustrated volumes that provide answers to all the beginner's questions and teach the skills needed to move on to bigger and better things. O...

Publisher profile: Ulisse éditions

Cépaduès Editions

Toulouse, France

Cépaduès-Editions is a publishing company specialising in scientific and technical books with a pedagogical aim; (physics, aviation, space, meteorology, A.I.). Some books such as those applicable to space are partly written in English. Cépaduès has developed partnerships with famous higher educat...

Publisher profile: Cépaduès Editions

Editions Viviane Hamy

Paris, France

Editions Viviane Hamy has been founded in 1990. We are dedicated to European literature. We have promoted successful authors like Fred Vargas, Dominique Sylvain, Francois Vallego, Goliarda Sapienza, Magda Szabó, Jean-Jacques Pauvert.

Publisher profile: Editions Viviane Hamy

Albin Michel

Paris, France

Littérature générale, beaux-arts, histoire, documents, religion, jeunesse. Collections: Grandes Traductions, I'Evolution de I'Humanité, Suspense, Bandes Dessinées. Parascolaire.

Publisher profile: Albin Michel

Fleuve Noir A Publisher of Univers Poche

Paris, France

Editeur majeur de littérature populaire spécialisé dans les littératures de genre: comédies branchées, romans policiers, science-fiction/fantasy ou encore novellisation de séries télévisées en lien avec les tendances actuelles.

Publisher profile: Fleuve Noir A Publisher of Univers Poche

Gallimard Loisirs

Paris, France

Travel guide books. Illustrated non-fiction: leisure and tourism, world culture and history.

Publisher profile: Gallimard Loisirs


Nantes, France

Independent publisher of modern fiction and non-fiction, l'Atalante attaches a great importance to the artistic presentation of its books. Main editorial lines: Literature, science fiction, fantasy, thriller, theatre and social sciences.

Publisher profile: L'Atalante

Editions du Moniteur

Paris, France

Les Editions du Moniteur proposent une documentation diversifée et complète dans les domaines de l'architecture, de la construction et des collectivités locales.

Publisher profile: Editions du Moniteur

Editions Diane de Selliers

Paris, France

The Editions Diane de Selliers are an independent art publisher which produces high quality illustrates art books; a very original, fine and in-depth iconographic research accompanies founder texts of Western, Eastern and Far-Eastern literature.

Publisher profile: Editions Diane de Selliers


Paris, France

From infant school to high school diploma, Bordas publishes teaching tools for classes: school books, extra curricular books, educational methods and books of cultural references.

Publisher profile: Bordas

208 publishers in the the directory of french langauge publishing companies of France
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