Beautiful volumes containing a timeless spiritual message, practical spirituality and meditation, and books on the healing methods of the Dervishes.
Publisher profile: Editions EccE
Publisher of high quality illustrated books on photography and art, artists books, art and science books, photo journalism.
Publisher profile: Editions Xavier Barral
Romans Français et étrangers, documents, essais, témoignages. Récits, livres de société, psychologie. Thrillers.
Publisher profile: Editions Anne Carrière
ler éditeur de livres au format poche avec 5 marques aux lignes éditoriales complémentaires: POCKET, 10/18, Pocket-Jeunesse, Fleuve Noir, Kurokawa couvrant tous les genres littéraires, de la fiction à la non-fiction.
Publisher profile: Univers Poche
The brand new Editions Héloïse d'Ormesson will publish around 20 titles a year: fiction and non-fiction, half French, half foreign books.
Publisher profile: Editions Héloïse d'Ormesson
Editions Memo publishes books created by artists for children. They focus on quality in contents as well as realization of the book as an object. Contemporary writers and illustrators are published, along with historical masterpieces of children literature.
Publisher profile: Editions Memo
Our illustrated books explore the links between picture and words in a constant concern for quality, through a carefull page make-up. As, for us, photography can get on with all the genres: social sciences, art history, architecture or literature.
Publisher profile: Le Bec en l'Air Editions
Juvenile fiction, juvenile non-fiction. Young adult, teenager fiction. Young adult, teenager non-fiction.
Publisher profile: Syros
Children's books (story books, colouring books, board books, sticker books, activity books, transfers).
Publisher profile: Editions Lito
Publisher of fiction (fantasy, anthologies), non-fiction (documents, essays, politics, memoirs, biographies), illustrated and practical books.
Publisher profile: Le Pré aux Clercs Place des Editeurs