Law Publishers' Directory of Canada

Listing all 3 Law publishers listed in the Canadian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Canada that are listed under 'Law Publishers. Remove 'Canada' filter to see all law publishers' directory. Remove 'Law' filter to see the list of all Canadian publishers

Self-Counsel Press Ltd

North Vancouver, Canada

At Self-Counsel Press, our goal is to provide high-quality business and legal self-help titles, authored by experts, but written in clear, easily understood language. We help others help themselves!.

Publisher profile: Self-Counsel Press Ltd

The Balkans Free Press

Halifax, Canada

The mission of the Balkans Free Press is to expand the body of knowledge by making publishing a means through which new information and knowledge can be shared worldwide. As an international publisher, the Balkans Free Press is your partner in making you a published author. We strive to build a l...

Publisher profile: The Balkans Free Press

Les Presses de Nouvelle-France

Sainte-Brigitte de Laval, Canada

favoriser l’édition d’un maximum d’œuvres de qualité, mettre toutes ses compétences et autres ressources disponibles au service de l’auteur pour conclure une entente visant une publication à responsabilité partagée.

Publisher profile: Les Presses de Nouvelle-France

3 publishers in the the directory of law publishing companies of Canada
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