Diet Publishers' Directory of Canada

Listing all 3 Diet publishers listed in the Canadian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Canada that are listed under 'Diet Publishers. Remove 'Canada' filter to see all diet publishers' directory. Remove 'Diet' filter to see the list of all Canadian publishers

Ingenium Books Publishing Inc.

Toronto, Canada

We publish the stories behind the news. Stories that awe, inspire, enlighten, and challenge, that show how to transform our relationships, health, finances, or businesses, that prompt us to re-think what's possible. We publish stories that have the power to change what becomes news tomorrow.

Publisher profile: Ingenium Books Publishing Inc.

Canada is an eco-friendly, trusted ePublisher and a convenient, cost effective eStore where you can buy quality eBook guides for life's experiences. We publish eBooks that cover a variety of topics such as 'how-to' guides, inspirational works, poetry, memoirs and nove...

Publisher profile:

Les Presses de Nouvelle-France

Sainte-Brigitte de Laval, Canada

favoriser l’édition d’un maximum d’œuvres de qualité, mettre toutes ses compétences et autres ressources disponibles au service de l’auteur pour conclure une entente visant une publication à responsabilité partagée.

Publisher profile: Les Presses de Nouvelle-France

3 publishers in the the directory of diet publishing companies of Canada
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