Opulent Media Ventures publishes Eat Love Savor Magazine, an international online magazine that also produces quarterly digital magazines, printed on demand (June, September, December & March) and two Luxury Gift Guides (Summer & Winter) and broadcasts its content over social media channels. Deli...
Publisher profile: Opulent Media Ventures Ltd.
Instant Downoads,Each unit contains everything a teacher needs to teach a complete 3-4 week unit — including teacher objectives, student objectives, reproducible student work sheets, integrated lesson plans, review activities, enrichment activities, and complete informational content.
Publisher profile: Rainbow Horizons Publishing
Publishes eBooks in Kindle format and formats for smartphones. Specializes in fiction and books on eBusiness. Some previously published in print, but now being made available in eBook form.
Publisher profile: BlackAvon Books
We are an innovative publisher that leverages both existing and new technologies in order to promote Canadian literary talent in the worldwide marketplace.
Publisher profile: CanAuth
Publisher and Developer of 123 Let's Go -Interactive CD and Educational pictorial Language Books with Activities.
Publisher profile: Edocan-Publishing
Dorvador Media Group is a Canadian publisher and distributor of fiction and non-fiction books and music.
Publisher profile: Dorvador Media Group
Free Digital Online Magazine. Covering all aspects about the game of soccer. From interviews with past and present players, coverage from leagues around the world, history, to the celebrities and fans who are passionate about the worlds game.
Publisher profile: Total Soccer Magazine
Founded in 1985 les éditions XYZ is awel known publishing company in litterature. It publish 25 new titles a year
Publisher profile: Les éditions XYZ
favoriser l’édition d’un maximum d’œuvres de qualité, mettre toutes ses compétences et autres ressources disponibles au service de l’auteur pour conclure une entente visant une publication à responsabilité partagée.
Publisher profile: Les Presses de Nouvelle-France