Nous aidons les auteurs dans l'ensemble du processus de publication et de diffusion de leurs ouvrages, allant de la correction à la vente, en passant par la mise en page, le graphisme, la traduction et le marketing. Les Éditions Dédicaces publient des auteurs de partout à travers le monde : Canada, États-Unis, Angleterre, France, Belgique et partout ailleurs. La maison d'édition publie des livres écrits en français et en anglais.
Éditions Dédicaces inc. publishes E-Books and Books on these subjects: Short Story, Science Fiction, Romance, Poetry, Mystery, Historical Fiction, General Fiction, and Fiction in these languages: French, Spanish, and English
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Feature available to premium subscribers only. PubMail gets delivered to the on-line mailbox of the profile.
Corporate: For premium subscribers only Editorial: For premium subscribers only Submissions: For premium subscribers only Rights: For premium subscribers only Permissions: For premium subscribers only Sales: For premium subscribers only
1918 Boul. Saint-RegisDorvalQuebecCanadaH9P1H6
Phone number(s): + 1 5143751042
Éditions Dédicaces inc., Dorval, Quebec, Canada is just one of over 20,000 publishing company profiles in our database.
Éditions Dédicaces inc. is listed in the directory of publishers of Canada. You can find more such publishers from Canada here:
By subject: Short Story publishers in Canada, Science Fiction publishers in Canada, Romance publishers in Canada, and Poetry publishers in Canada
By media: E-Book publishers in Canada and Book publishers in Canada
By language: French language publishers of Canada, Spanish language publishers of Canada, and English language publishers of Canada
By city: Dorval, Quebec
Some of the other prominent cities in Canada for which we have publishers in our database include: Toronto, Ottawa, and Vancouver
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