Picture Books Publishers' Directory of Austria

Listing all 2 Picture Books publishers listed in the Austrian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Austria that are listed under 'Picture Books Publishers. Remove 'Austria' filter to see all picture books publishers' directory. Remove 'Picture Books' filter to see the list of all Austrian publishers

Verlag Anton Pustet

Salzburg, Austria

Der Verlag Anton Pustet, gegründet 1592, ist eine von Österreichs ersten Adressen für exklusive Bücher zum Thema Architektur. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind Kunst, Geschichte, Salisburgensien und Neue Ethik.

Publisher profile: Verlag Anton Pustet

Annette Betz Verlag

Wien, Austria

Annette Betz publishes high-quality fiction and non-fiction picture books for children from 0 to 7 years: traditional as well as modern titles and illustrations, fairy tales, fables, entertaining non-fiction series about nature, animals and topics of everyday life by well known and established au...

Publisher profile: Annette Betz Verlag

2 publishers in the the directory of picture books publishing companies of Austria
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