Children's Publishers' Directory of Austria

Listing all 6 Children's publishers listed in the Austrian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Austria that are listed under 'Children's Publishers. Remove 'Austria' filter to see all children's publishers' directory. Remove 'Children's' filter to see the list of all Austrian publishers

G&G Verlagsgesellschaft mbH

Wien, Austria

G & G is Austria's leading publisher of children's books and teaching aids. It is committed in particular the promotion of reading skills. The program includes children's books for the ages of three and 14 years, learning aids and professional books for teachers.

Publisher profile: G&G Verlagsgesellschaft mbH

Annette Betz Verlag

Wien, Austria

Annette Betz publishes high-quality fiction and non-fiction picture books for children from 0 to 7 years: traditional as well as modern titles and illustrations, fairy tales, fables, entertaining non-fiction series about nature, animals and topics of everyday life by well known and established au...

Publisher profile: Annette Betz Verlag


Wien, Austria

SCHLEBRÜGGE.EDITOR publishes artists’ books and catalogs, the “Fama & Fortune Bulletin“, the street-art-journal “betonblumen“ (in cooperation with quartier21, MQ), and books concerning history of art and architecture. The publishing house cooperates with a distributor in Berlin. A program of limi...

Publisher profile: Schlebrügge.Editor

Blackbetty Mobilmedia GmbH

Vienna, Austria

Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte sind die Entwicklung, Produktion und Vermarktung von "Mobile Content". Hauptprodukt sind die von uns entwickelten MOBILEBOOKS: Literarische Anwendungen für mobile Endgeräte (Mobiltelefone, Smartphones...).

Publisher profile: Blackbetty Mobilmedia GmbH

Wiener Dom. Verlag

Wien, Austria

Publisher profile: Wiener Dom. Verlag

Obelisk Verlag

Innsbruck, Austria

Der österreichische Verlag begann im Jahr 1967 mit der Kinderbuchproduktion und veröffentlicht bis heute qualitätsvolle Kinder- und Jugendbücher von denen viele mit namhaften Preisen ausgezeichnet wurden. Die Bandbreite des Programms reicht von Klassikern der Kinderliteratur wie Käthe Recheis´...

Publisher profile: Obelisk Verlag

6 publishers in the the directory of children's publishing companies of Austria
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