E-Book Publishers of Venezuela

Listing all 2 E-Book publishers listed in the Venezuelan publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Venezuela that are listed under 'E-Book Publishers. Remove 'Venezuela' filter to see all e-book publishers. Remove 'E-Book' filter to see the list of all Venezuelan publishers


Merida, Venezuela

Venezuelan publishers of eBooks and authorized distributors in Amazon and Internet. Editorial venezolana de eBooks y distribuidores autorizados en Amazon e Internet.

Publisher profile: Editorial

Playco Editores, C.A.

Caracas, Venezuela

Founded in 1991, Playco Editores,C.A. is a leading publisher of children's & juvenile books in Venezuela. We strive for producing high quality books in order to remain on a par with the finest production from other countries in terms of both literary and graphic quality. At present, our catalogue...

Publisher profile: Playco Editores, C.A.

2 publishers in the the directory of e-book publishing companies of Venezuela
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