Typesetting Companies of United States

Listing 1 to 10 of 18 American typesetting companies

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Vanan Services

United States

Vanan Services is an international multilingual service company that focuses on all kinds of online services. We stand out from the rest of the pack because of our commitment to provide a high support customer service.

Profile of: Vanan Services, United States
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Falls Church, United States

Aptara provides content technology solutions that deliver significant gains in cost, quality and time-to-market for content publishers. With deep experience across all media types, Aptara’s expertise includes digital publishing, editorial and composition, custom eLearning development, and content...

Profile of: Aptara, Falls Church, United States
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1106 Design

Phoenix, United States

Quality, Integrity, Transparent Pricing, Personal Customer Service. Independent Publishing as it should be.

Profile of: 1106 Design, Phoenix, United States
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Dix Digital Prepress and Design

Cicero, United States

Established in 1923, we have been the industry leader for over 100 years. We provide exceptional levels of book prepress, composition, desktop publishing, and design services to the largest book publishers in the world.

Profile of: Dix Digital Prepress and Design, Cicero, United States
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Lynx Publishers

Cleveland, United States

Growth is good, but we believe in evolution. We created Lynx Publishers with the vision of expanding the literary realm by supporting the literary contributors, You. We provide comprehensive publishing services and a wide range of consultations to guide the writers.

Profile of: Lynx Publishers, Cleveland, United States
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Reider Books

West Hollywood, United States

Book design and typesetting firm working with publishers and self-publishing authors. Over 30 years experience working on just about every type of book. Specializing in interior book design and layout but also work on covers.

Profile of: Reider Books, West Hollywood, United States
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Firewire Publishing

United States

Firewire Publishing is a book printing company that specializes in producing full-color hardcover books like cookbooks, art books, interior design books, coffee-table books, and other book printing projects that need a high-level of detail and production quality. Headquartered in Salt Lake City, UT.

Profile of: Firewire Publishing, United States
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Fox Press

Mandeville, United States

Fox Press is a full-service print provider focusing on magazine, booklet and catalog production.

Profile of: Fox Press, Mandeville, United States
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Rao Publishing House Inc.

United States

We encourage authors to take complete control of their work right from its inception all the way through its release. As a self-published author, while you would be in charge of producing, marketing, and distribution of your book. We would be happy to make sure of printing and publishing the book.

Profile of: Rao Publishing House Inc., United States
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2Nimble Inc.

Berkeley, United States

2Nimble is a experienced team of industry experts that offer professional editing, typesetting, cover design, illustration, and eBook services to authors and businesses. Our value is based on strict adherence to quality and turnaround time standards. Contact us today for your free consolation.

Profile of: 2Nimble Inc., Berkeley, United States
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