Publishing Services Companies in New York, United States

Listing 11 to 20 of 115 American companies providing publishing services in New York, United States

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Ingram Academic Services

New York, United States

Ingram Academic Services™, an Ingram Publisher Services® brand, serves the publishing and distribution needs of academic publishers and university presses. Ingram Academic Services provides these publishers with resources to advance scholarship in their communities through warehousing, print-on-d...

Profile of: Ingram Academic Services, New York, United States
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Barnes + Noble, Inc.

New York, United States

World's largest bookseller, publishes under the Barnes & Noble Books imprint. Over 1,500 titles in reference, history, biography, and classic fiction. Acquires rights and co-editions for US market.

Profile of: Barnes + Noble, Inc., New York, United States
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William Morris Agency Inc.

New York, United States

The William Morris Agency boasts a talented roster of best-selling and award-winning authors in all areas of fiction and non-fiction.

Profile of: William Morris Agency Inc., New York, United States
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Author Publishing House

New York, United States

Work with Authors Publishing House, your Premium destination for professional eBook writing services. There is no issue if you are a beginner who wants to write a book, an aspiring author, or a seasoned storyteller. Our team of expert writers is here to help you

Profile of: Author Publishing House, New York, United States
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Foundry Literary + Media

New York, United States

Foundry is a full-service literary agency and media development company dedicated to providing the most positive and profitable publishing experience for our clients, from the American book market to foreign publishing, film and TV, merchandise, online media and beyond.

Profile of: Foundry Literary + Media, New York, United States
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The Bent Agency

New York, United States

The Bent Agency is a literary agency representing bestselling authors of fiction, non-fiction and children's literature for all age groups. With offices in the US and UK, the Bent Agency is home to twelve agents.

Profile of: The Bent Agency, New York, United States
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Brower Literary & Management

New York, United States

Represents authors who write commercial and literary fiction, specifically romance, women's fiction, YA and thrillers.

Profile of: Brower Literary & Management, New York, United States
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Massie & McQuilkin

New York, United States

Massie & McQuilkin is a full-service literary agency that focuses on bringing fiction and non-fiction of quality to the largest possible audience.

Profile of: Massie & McQuilkin, New York, United States
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Ayesha Pande Literary

New York, United States

Ayesha Pande Literary is a New York based boutique literary agency with a small and eclectic roster of clients. We love to work with writers who dare to innovate, take risks, express something meaningful about our world.

Profile of: Ayesha Pande Literary, New York, United States
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Ovid Technologies

New York, United States

Provides comprehensive online aggregated medical content for researchers, students and practitioners; publishes more than 200 top medical journals in print and online form. Includes the most comprehensive online source of aggregated medical content

Profile of: Ovid Technologies, New York, United States
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115 publishing companies in the directory of publishing services suppliers in New York, United States
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