Biblio Publishing's aim has been to customize both the publishing and bookstore concepts in a way that offers the best of all available concepts. We offer modern publishing of both print and eBooks while retaining the personal touch by allowing the author to work with a publishing rep.
Publisher profile: Biblio Publishing
Publisher of Jay Hosler's Clan Apis, The Sandwalk Adventures, and Optical Allusions. Wholesale information and online shopping.
Publisher profile: Active Synapse
Highlights for Children is a family media brand that has been nurturing children with excellent, wholesome, and innovative products for more than 66 years. Our wide variety of magazines and books are dedicated to helping them become their best selves—creative, curious, caring, and confident. ...
Publisher profile: Highlights for Children International, Inc.
Publishes scholarly books, especially in American history, the history of crime and criminal justice, and political science.
Publisher profile: Ohio State University Press