Howlland Books strives to educate and empower children and families facing serious diseases and debilitating disorders as well as families who have recovered and need continued support. Our books are
Publisher profile: Howlland Books
Goosey Goo is a a persoanlized children's book publisher.
Publisher profile: Gooey Goo
End of April Comics is an independent comic book publisher. www.eoacomics.comThey provide an opportunity for to break into the comic book business.
Publisher profile: End of April Comics
We collect donations to print and distribute books in low income nations. Our current emphasis is in equatorial Africa. We have printed and distributed about 1500 copies to Kenya and other nations, using Kenyan and Ugandan printers.
Publisher profile: Yachats Books
Depict Art Magazine is a privately owned and operated magazine covering all types of artist in North County San Diego.
Publisher profile: Depict Art Magazine
An independent publisher of e-books in the fiction and non-fiction categories.
Publisher profile: ModoComm Communications
Piney D Press is a small press operating in Middle Tennessee. We publish a select number of authors and our goal is to bring authors and readers together
Publisher profile: Piney D Press
Elven Press is a small fiction publisher that focuses on middle grade, young adult, and romance.
Publisher profile: Elven Press
News and picture free weekly covering northwestern Rhode Island: Greenville, Smithfield, Scituate, Foster, Glocester, Johnston, and North Providence. Profiles, advertising information, and subscription information.
Publisher profile: Valley Breeze & Observer
The largest archive of its kind, our amazing 3-D imagery is created from an actual human body. This forms the unique visual base to our complete range of titles. Our flagship, New Atlas of Human Anatomy' has sold over 600,000 copies worldwide.
Publisher profile: Anatographica, LLC at CPG Distribution