Publisher of language books, consumer guides, and educational learning materials (print copy, Audio (Mp3) & Audio CD-ROM's. New release: 7 Weeks to a Better American Accent for Native Mandarin Speakers - Volume 1
Publisher profile: Sovereign Language Press
Win2Bid eBook auction site is a site created to help publishers easily publish their eBooks. Win2Bid eBook auction site allow the author to accurately gauge a price for his or her eBook by allowing site visitors to bid on your eBooks. The site was started with one idea in mind : low price eBooks ...
Publisher profile: Win2Bid eBooks
Book and custom publisher
Publisher profile: Pescara Publishing
Not for Accountants is a publisher of books and online learning materials that teach accounting to non-accountants.
Publisher profile: Not for Accountants LLC
Publisher profile: Rodent Enterprises Publishing
We are a unique publishing company in pursuit of true stories of victory and change. We are more impressed with the depth of your story than literary skills. There are many great stories, but few great writers. If your story can influence a generation or any part of society in a positive manner o...
Publisher profile: HYPD Publications
An independent publisher of e-books in the fiction and non-fiction categories.
Publisher profile: ModoComm Communications
Elven Press is a small fiction publisher that focuses on middle grade, young adult, and romance.
Publisher profile: Elven Press
Goosey Goo is a a persoanlized children's book publisher.
Publisher profile: Gooey Goo
End of April Comics is an independent comic book publisher. www.eoacomics.comThey provide an opportunity for to break into the comic book business.
Publisher profile: End of April Comics