Borderline Publishing is a short-run book publishing company designed to assist the local authors of Idaho and beyond in getting their treasured works created into their dreamsÂ… in print. Whether your writing style is Christian, fiction, science fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, or romance, we work...
Publisher profile: Borderline Publishing
Dining Reviews, Las Vegas and around the world, top chef interviews, everything about food and dining, invitations to the public, events, wine tastings, cooking demonstrations,
Publisher profile: Discover the Ultimate Dining Magazine
Pioneered New Learning Technology, ACANDY Processing Tools. Books: EVERY DAY, AN EASY A, SMARTGRADES School Notebooks, Back to School Smarts, The Academic Achiever, and The Silent Crisis Destroying America's Brightest Minds
Publisher profile: Tree of Knowledge Press: We Educate Children One Child at a TIme
Specializing in new unpublished authors. We're a small press, that treats you like family. UK authors welcomed.
Publisher profile: First Run Publishing
Bracket Books publishes photographic non-fiction, books about photography, and fiction inspired by pop culture. Our titles are available as both traditional trade paperbacks and as eBooks which are di
Publisher profile: Bracket Books
New Worlds Fiction provides a place for beginning fantasy and science fiction authors to submit work for critique and publishing. Publishing costs nothing, and we will consider all submissions regardless of whether the author has requested a critique. An author whose work is published will receiv...
Publisher profile: New Worlds Fiction
Black Lantern Publishing was founded in 2009 and is an online journal for writers and artists. We publish literature and art that is exciting, emotive, and just plain entertaining. Currently we publish short fiction pieces of all varieties and some poetry, but are especially drawn to literature t...
Publisher profile: Black Lantern Publishing
Discover the Ultimate Health/ Spas/ Fitness/ Medicine. Interviews, articles, invitations to the public. Reviews. Las Vegas and around the world.
Publisher profile: Discover the Ultimate Health Magazine
The American Association for Education Science Research (ASESR) is a nonprofit professional organization for professors, researcher and scholars who wish to promote and communicate advances in the fields of education science research.
Publisher profile: American Society for Education Science Research