Publisher of Jay Hosler's Clan Apis, The Sandwalk Adventures, and Optical Allusions. Wholesale information and online shopping.
Publisher profile: Active Synapse
Publisher of books/periodicals on Philosophy. Latest title: Gene X Portraits of a Liberal Blogger by James Saville Row. See for more information on this and other titles. We look forward to seeing you.
Publisher profile:
We publish non-fiction, mostly personal stories of ones spiritual Journey: We enlighten the soul, and give a message of hope.
Publisher profile: Lighthouse Christian Literary Magazine
Publishes and distributes performing arts books. Plays, musicals, theatre, cinema, clowning, costumes, puppets, masks, dance, etc. Represents publishers for distribution and/or foreign language rights. Develops, buys, and/or sells co-editions.
Publisher profile: Players Press Inc.
SOLAS Press will edit, manufacture, and market books, without being solely constrained by their short-term marketability, which meet the following criteria:They are of enduring value or worthwhile contributions to contemporary thoughtThey are written to be understandable to normally educated persons
Publisher profile: Solas Press
We publish the new learning technology, "ACANDY Processing Tools" that empower students for academic success.
Publisher profile: The Great American Notebook Company
Publishers of quality horror, science fiction and fantasy.
Publisher profile: Black Bed Sheet Books
Publishers of books about Iran in English and Persian since 1979. Site features book list and ordering instructions.
Publisher profile: Ibex Publishers
Deep Sea Publishing focuses on Young Adult Fiction, Fiction, Science Fiction, Children's Books, Educational Books, and Family-Oriented Literature. Deep Sea's most popular genre is Mystery, Fantasy, and Marine Science for Children.
Publisher profile: Deep Sea Publishing, LLC
39 West Press is an independent book publisher committed to releasing books that encourage critical thinking and promote constructive discourse on key social, cultural, political, and economic issues affecting life in the U.S.
Publisher profile: 39 West Press