Ewing Publication is the publishing affiliate of Mason Ewing Corporation. Founded in 2021, it publishes books internationally.
Publisher profile: Ewing Publication
Located in Las Vegas, Nevada, Wise Wolf Books is a modern publisher targeting a Teen and Young Adult audience. We are a team of dedicated readers and writers with over 30 years of combined publishing and marketing experience.
Publisher profile: Wise Wolf Books
Kharis Publishing is an inspirational and Christian faith publisher. As a leading independent traditional publisher, Kharis gives you a trusted and professional platform to "write in a book what you see..." Kharis will publish, distribute, and market your book free, as it should be.
Publisher profile: Kharis Publishing
Cruciform Press is a pioneer in publishing bible study books that are short, clear and creative that help draw your heart to the glories of Jesus Christ's Gospel.
Publisher profile: Cruciform Press
Rhemalda Publishing, an independent publisher, provides entertainment in the form of high-quality young adult, new adult, and adult fiction. Books genres include romance, contemporary, Jane Austen sequels, fantasy, mystery & detective, and suspense thriller novels.
Publisher profile: Rhemalda Publishing
WildBlue Press publishes true crime, thrillers, mysteries, sci-fi/fantasy, horror, memoir, business, history in print, digital and audiobook. Our authors include NYTimes bestsellers, as well as winners of the Pulitzer Prize, Edgar Award. We have published more than 250 titles from 125+ authors.
Publisher profile: WildBlue Press
Here at Buckeye Publishing, we offer a range of services, from cover design to editing, PR, and more!
Publisher profile: Buckeye Publishing
Third Coast Publishers LLP is a Houston, Texas based publishing company of various media, such as books, ebooks, online books, audio books, and iphone applications in a variety of genres in both fiction and non-fiction. For more information about the company, please visit our site.
Publisher profile: Third Coast Publishers LLP
Foreign Media Group is an international publishing group for books and media products. The publishing strategy is targeted at all possible combinations of them: books, audio books, magazines, music, CD's, documentaries, games and CD-ROMs.
Publisher profile: Foreign Media Group USA
Elven Press is a small fiction publisher that focuses on middle grade, young adult, and romance.
Publisher profile: Elven Press