We publish the new learning technology, "ACANDY Processing Tools" that empower students for academic success.
Publisher profile: The Great American Notebook Company
Online version of print publication which covers news, entertainment and social issues affecting the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered communities of Los Angeles.
Publisher profile: City News Los Angeles
A leader in the ESL field, Lingua Forum is a company that specializes in iBT TOEFL materials and other English educational materials. LinguaForum also provides numerous online contents to better prepare both students and English teachers all over the world.
Publisher profile: Lingua Forum Inc.
Deep Sea Publishing focuses on Young Adult Fiction, Fiction, Science Fiction, Children's Books, Educational Books, and Family-Oriented Literature. Deep Sea's most popular genre is Mystery, Fantasy, and Marine Science for Children.
Publisher profile: Deep Sea Publishing, LLC
39 West Press is an independent book publisher committed to releasing books that encourage critical thinking and promote constructive discourse on key social, cultural, political, and economic issues affecting life in the U.S.
Publisher profile: 39 West Press
Sports Collectors Daily offers original articles on the sports collecting hobby/industry.
Publisher profile: Sports Collectors Daily
The Fil-Am Voice is Maui's only Filipino newspaper with a print edition and an online presence.
Publisher profile: Fil-Am Voice
HavingTime is a digitally native story magazine, for people around the globe who need to share inspiration or to be inspired in a world where happiness often can take a back seat to the breakneck speed of life.
Publisher profile: HavingTime
Publishers of books about Iran in English and Persian since 1979. Site features book list and ordering instructions.
Publisher profile: Ibex Publishers
Publishers of quality horror, science fiction and fantasy.
Publisher profile: Black Bed Sheet Books