Monthly news and feature articles. Includes submission criteria, subscription information and advertising rate sheet.
Publisher profile: A Woman's View
Offers sample news page, testimonials, advertising rates, and contact details. Printed version is published monthly, with a focus on people aged 50 and over.
Publisher profile: Senior Beacon
Weekly newspaper. Contact information, description of services, deadline. No news online.
Publisher profile: Dawson Sentinel
Serving the Lewis, Knox, Marion, Shelby and Clark counties with local news, sports, opinion, and obituaries.
Publisher profile: Press Journal News
Punkin House Press is on a mission to help the artist. Unlike other publishing companies, our number one priority is to take care of our authors, helping guide them through a process that produces quality material. Our secondary goal is to be as "green" as possible. So along with your piece being...
Publisher profile: Punkin House Press
Newspaper for Orange County, Texas with area news, classifieds, and articles.
Publisher profile: Orange County News
Includes weekly classifieds, public notices, and daily weather as well as subscription information.
Publisher profile: Tipton Times
Publisher of Jay Hosler's Clan Apis, The Sandwalk Adventures, and Optical Allusions. Wholesale information and online shopping.
Publisher profile: Active Synapse
Weekly newspaper providing regional news for Evergreen, Alabama. Includes archive and online classified placement.
Publisher profile: South Alabama News
Publisher of books/periodicals on Philosophy. Latest title: Gene X Portraits of a Liberal Blogger by James Saville Row. See for more information on this and other titles. We look forward to seeing you.
Publisher profile: