E-Book Publishers of Tanzania

Listing all 2 E-Book publishers listed in the Tanzanian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Tanzania that are listed under 'E-Book Publishers. Remove 'Tanzania' filter to see all e-book publishers. Remove 'E-Book' filter to see the list of all Tanzanian publishers

Chikakabooks Publishers


A publishing found in Dodoma Tanzania with the vision to be a leading publishing house.

Publisher profile: Chikakabooks Publishers

Mture Educational Publishers

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

A leading Quality Oriented Educational Publisher with Quality Textbooks, Course books, Supplementary Books, Readers, Wall Charts and Dictionaries (Kamusi) for Pre-schools, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Colleges. Most of Our Books are Accreditted by The Ministry of Education to be used fo...

Publisher profile: Mture Educational Publishers

2 publishers in the the directory of e-book publishing companies of Tanzania
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