Travel Publishers' Directory of Switzerland

Listing all 3 Travel publishers listed in the Swiss publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Switzerland that are listed under 'Travel Publishers. Remove 'Switzerland' filter to see all travel publishers' directory. Remove 'Travel' filter to see the list of all Swiss publishers

Bergli Books AG

Basel, Switzerland

Publishing and distributing books in English and German that focus on living and working in Switzerland, travel and intercultural issues. Latest titles: Beyond chocolate-understanding Swiss culture (Engl.) and Hoi-your Swiss German survival guide.

Publisher profile: Bergli Books AG

Opus Magnum

Geneva, Switzerland

Corporate Publishing Company based in Geneva, Switzerland

Publisher profile: Opus Magnum

Editions Olizane

Genève, Switzerland

Publishers of guide and travel books, high-quality photographic works. Specialised in Asian topics (travel, literature, art, ethnography, research monographs, etc.). Interested in co-productions and foreign rights.

Publisher profile: Editions Olizane

3 publishers in the the directory of travel publishing companies of Switzerland
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