The United Nations distribute information products related to its work. Reports, surveys and reference materials are published in book form or as machine readable media. Subjects: economics, environment, law, political and social science.
Publisher profile: United Nations Publications
IOM produces a large variety of publications in the field of migration policy and research, most of which can be downloaded free of charge from the IOM Online Bookstore.
Publisher profile: International Organization for Migration
Academic publisher linked to Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne & other major engineering schools. Publish in French text & reference books, monographies & scientific works for students, professors, researchers, engineers, architects. Publish in English under label EPFL Press.
Publisher profile: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes
Corporate Publishing Company based in Geneva, Switzerland
Publisher profile: Opus Magnum
The New Stork Times publishes 1. an English-language magazine 10 times annually (title: "The New Stork Times - Parenting Source for Switzerland"), and 2. a guidebook (title: "In and aro
Publisher profile: The New Stork Times