Content Licensing Companies of Sweden

Listing all 2 Swedish content licensing companies

Page 1 of 1 of all the Swedish companies offering content licensing services to the publishing industry listed in the directory of content licensing companies of Sweden. Remove the country filter to see the list of all companies offering content licensing services to the publishing industry

Bonnier Rights

Stockholm, Sweden

BR Sweden has something for everyone: we sell translation rights worldwide for authors across all genres. Our team combines great rights expertise with years of experience in licensing translations, contract negotiation and literary agenting.

Profile of: Bonnier Rights, Stockholm, Sweden
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Astrid Lindgren Company

Lidingo, Sweden

The Astrid Lindgren Company promote and protect the Astrid Lindgren trademark worldwide, owning rights for all texts by Astrid Lindgren, her part of the copyright for all films and plays based on her works, all illustrations by Ingrid Vang Nyman.

Profile of: Astrid Lindgren Company, Lidingo, Sweden
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