Publisher of Catalan and Spanish language dictionaries, Monolingual an bilingual. Lexicographic resources in several languages. Reference and non-fiction, children's books.
Publisher profile: Vox
Viena Edicions, founded in 1991, is an independent publishing house. We publish mainly in Catalan (and occassionally also in Spanish) about different subjects: Art and photography books, non-fiction books, cook books, history books and guides.
Publisher profile: Viena Edicions
Publishing house specialised in dictionaries, cartography, children's books, juvenile fiction, textbooks from preschool to young adults and didactic materials.
Publisher profile: Editorial Teide S.A.
Editorial cientifica y técnica. Publicación de libros de texto universitarios en el area cientifica y tecnica.
Publisher profile: Editorial Reverté S.A.
Founded in 1498, nowadays we have more than three thousand titles published in Catalan. The main subjects we deal about are: history, fine arts, essay, religion, music, courses of Catalan language, children's books.
Publisher profile: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat
Publications génerales infantiles, juveniles, livres pour l'enseignement.
Publisher profile: Editorial Cruïlla, S.A.
Libros de ensayo: historia, filosofia, arqueología, ciencias sociales, divulgación científica.
Publisher profile: Editorial Crítica
Libros de psicología, psicoanálisis, terapia familiar, pedagogía, filosofía, antropología, ciencias políticas y sociología, hª, orientalismo, cine, communicación, biografías, empresa, salud, autoayuda. Ed. Paidós S.A: Defensa, 559, 1°. 1065 Argentina.
Publisher profile: Ediciones Paidós
Publishers of social sciences with specialized series for the academic and professional markets (economy, management, law, history, philosophy, geography, linguistics, communications, psychology and political science, education).
Publisher profile: Editorial Ariel
Herder Editorial S.L., Barcelona-Bogota-Mexico. Established en 1943 in Barcelona. Primarely publishing in humanities, respected the last 50 years for the publication of the standard works of philosophy, theology and languages.
Publisher profile: Herder Editorial, S.L.