We are a publishing company that is in charge of publishing books which are distributed by the communication media.
Publisher profile: Ciro Ediciones S A
Innovative independent publishers of fully-illustrated trilingual children's dictionaries.
Publisher profile: Early Bird Books
Editorial religiosa dedicada a espiritualidad, educación, familia, pastoral.
Publisher profile: Ediciones STJ Compania Sta. Teresa de Jesús
Nascerda l'any 1984, el nostre Catáleg abasta la literatura en tots els seus gèneres: l'assaig, el detat i les obres de no-ficció. En butxaca ofereix i nèdits i reedicions del propi fons i, finalment, obrer de divalgació de personatges; llocs catalans orientades al turisme.
Publisher profile: Edicions de 1984, S.L.
Editorial Mediterrània has a 25 year long experience in publishing books in Catalan. The main areas of publication are children books, comprising picture books and pedagogic titles; books on art (monographics and catalogues) and essays (religion, sociology and politics).
Publisher profile: Editorial Mediterrania S.L.
Edició de libres de regal per a empreses i institucions. Albums illustrats. Jocs didactics. Literatura infantil i juvenil.
Publisher profile: Perspectiva Editorial Cultural
We are a Spanish publisher specialized in visual books: graphic design, fashion, jewellery, interior design, architecture.
Publisher profile: Promopress
Rafael Dalmau, Editor, a publishing house since 1959, has a large catalogue of books about history, geography and popular culture of the Catalan area. It has become a reference for both specialist and the general public.
Publisher profile: Rafael Dalmau, Editor