Illustrated books on architecture, interior design, decorating and lifestyle.
Publisher profile: Loft Publications
ING Edicions edita cuentos ilustrados para ninos/as de nueva creación y tambien tiene la biblioteca tradicional colección que recupera cuentos del pasado clasicos ilustrados para los ninos de hoy tambien, libros educativos para padres y maestres.
Publisher profile: ING Edicions SL
Actar is a Barcelona and New York based publisher of groundbreaking books in architecture, graphic design, and contemporary art. Our publishing program is focused on the works of established and emerging architects, designers, and photographers. Actar-D distributes Actar publications catalogue al...
Publisher profile: Actar/Actar-D
GeoPlaneta provides contents related to travel, tourism and cartography. Publishes travel guides, atlas and road maps.
Publisher profile: GeoPlaneta
ACV is to the creation and implementation of communications strategies, the development of original promotional products and the publishing of special trade and premium books.
Publisher profile: ACV Ediciones
Leading Catalan reference publisher founded in 1963, specialized in encyclopaedias and reference works. It also publishes dictionaries, textbooks, maps, tourist guides, atlases and facsimile editions.
Publisher profile: Enciclopèdia Catalana SAU
Dux is a Latin word that means guide or instigador. This one is the will of our project: to publish works of high intellectual interest directed to the general public, that invite reflection, debate and discernment.
Publisher profile: Dux Editorial, S.L.