Book Publishers of Spain

Listing 11 to 20 of 35 Book publishers listed in the Spanish publishers directories

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Madrid, Spain

El título provisional de mi opúsculo es VENEZUELA XXI: La Revolución de la Estupidez (alrededor de 170 páginas, y 8 ilustraciones). Trata el tema de la estupidez (definida según la Real Academia) como una condición síquica que afecta gravemente el devenir histórico de Venezuela en el siglo XXI. O...

Publisher profile: Aguilar

Random House Mondadori

Barcelona, Spain

Random House Mondadori has established in 2001. Random House Mondadori is a joint-venture between Random House and Mondadori for Spanish trade publishing with the following imprints: Mondadori, Debate, Lumen, Caballo de Troya, Plaza & Janes, Grijalbo, Rosa dels Vents,Debolsillo, Montena, Beascoa,...

Publisher profile: Random House Mondadori

Eseken Digital

San Sebastián de La Gomer, Spain

The Journal of Digital Information, Culture and Nature, from La Gomera (Canary Islands), published by the Ecological and Cultural Association Tagaragunche.

Publisher profile: Eseken Digital

Libros Cúpula

Barcelona, Spain

Publisher profile: Libros Cúpula

Murtra Edicions

Arenys de Munt, Spain

We are a professional workshop specializing in intaglio printmaking. We publish prints, artists’ portfolios and books for publishers, museums, companies, galleries and individual artists. Working in Arenys de Munt since 1991.

Publisher profile: Murtra Edicions

RDM Editorial

San Sebastián de los Reyes, Spain

RDM Editorial is a publishing company since 1994. We publish several monthly magazines about music, guitar, and also model aircrafts, rc cars and rc helicopters. We also publish on demand.

Publisher profile: RDM Editorial

Flamma Editorial

Barcelona, Spain

Publisher profile: Flamma Editorial

Obrador Edèndum

Santa Coloma de Queralt, Spain

Obrador Endedum is a craftsmanship company that publishes classical texts and modern monographs which refer to the scientific and humanistic culture. Its editon range is philosophical and theological essay, scientific thought and literature based on religious ideas and rational beliefs.

Publisher profile: Obrador Edèndum

Castellnou Edicions - Hermes Editora General, S.A.U.

Barcelona, Spain

Castellnou Edicions publishes text books and literature for children aged 3-18. Their aim is to contribute to the complete education of young people while promoting values such as respect, tolerance, justice and honesty.

Publisher profile: Castellnou Edicions - Hermes Editora General, S.A.U.

35 publishers in the the directory of book publishing companies of Spain
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