Magazine Publishers of South Korea

Listing all 6 Magazine publishers listed in the South Korean publishers directories

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Designhouse Inc.

Seoul, South Korea

Established in 1976, Designhouse Inc. is a media communication company which publishes monthly magazines and non-fictions which could contribute to raising the quality of life through design, culture, and art.

Publisher profile: Designhouse Inc.

Dongascience Co. Ltd.

Seoul, South Korea

DongaScience is a company representing science as culture, which publishes 'Science Donga', the leading monthly science magazine boasting 22 years biweekly 'Children Science Donga', and contributes science-related contents to the DongA ilbo Daily and its online newspaper. Donga Science has been e...

Publisher profile: Dongascience Co. Ltd.

A & C Publishing

Seoul, South Korea

A & C Publishing has published a monthly magazine "Architecture and Culture" for the first time in Korea since 1981. A & C has published interior and architecture magazines and developed together with a history of Korean modern architecture for 35 years.

Publisher profile: A & C Publishing


Seoul, South Korea

Samtoh was established in 1970 with the objective of searching for “the Happiness of the Common People” through the dissemination of magazine Samtoh, high-quality books. As well as publishing, we administer a Theater playing for children, Gallery and Annual Awards on literature and benevolent act...

Publisher profile: Samtoh

Seoul Cultural Publishers., Inc.

Seoul, South Korea

Seoul Cultural Publishers Inc. was established in 1988 and is currently publishing two weeklies, two bi-weekly and seven monthly magazines, as well as 850 books per year. Our publications include licensed and creator-owned fiction and non-fiction books, children's books, genuine comic books.

Publisher profile: Seoul Cultural Publishers., Inc.

CA Press Publishing Inc.

Seoul, South Korea

CA Press Publishing Co., Ltd. is a professional architectural press, has 3 title magazines CA (bimonthly journal of contemporary architecture), concept (international magazine of competition), and MARU (international magazine of interior design).

Publisher profile: CA Press Publishing Inc.

6 publishers in the the directory of magazine publishing companies of South Korea
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