Korean Language Publishers of South Korea

Listing 1 to 10 of 45 Korean publishers listed in the South Korean publishers directories

Page 1 of 5 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of South Korea that are listed under 'Korean Publishers. Remove 'South Korea' filter to see all korean language publishers. Remove 'Korean' filter to see the list of all South Korean publishers

Koonja Publishing Inc

Seoul, South Korea

Koonja Publishing Inc. is a leading medical publisher in Korea with 25 years of experience. We have published more than 600 titles including translation titles of Elsevier, LWW, McGraw-Hill, etc. We make a specialty of clinical titles.

Publisher profile: Koonja Publishing Inc

Chosun Ilbo

South Korea

Daily news about Korea from the on-line edition of the Chosun Ilbo national daily.

Publisher profile: Chosun Ilbo

JoongAng Ilbo English News

South Korea

Offers elected Korean and international news from this national daily.

Publisher profile: JoongAng Ilbo English News

The Korea Times

South Korea

English Daily published by Hankookilbo, a national daily.

Publisher profile: The Korea Times

Designhouse Inc.

Seoul, South Korea

Established in 1976, Designhouse Inc. is a media communication company which publishes monthly magazines and non-fictions which could contribute to raising the quality of life through design, culture, and art.

Publisher profile: Designhouse Inc.

Dongascience Co. Ltd.

Seoul, South Korea

DongaScience is a company representing science as culture, which publishes 'Science Donga', the leading monthly science magazine boasting 22 years biweekly 'Children Science Donga', and contributes science-related contents to the DongA ilbo Daily and its online newspaper. Donga Science has been e...

Publisher profile: Dongascience Co. Ltd.

Korean Publishers Association

Seoul, South Korea

With a membership of 890 publishers in Korea, Korean Publishers Association (KPA) is the main voice of the nation's publishing industry, publishing ,,Korean Publishing Journal" and Korean Publication Yearbook".

Publisher profile: Korean Publishers Association

The Seoul Times

South Korea

Internet newspaper for foreigners in Korea, with news on culture and social affairs.

Publisher profile: The Seoul Times

Munhakdongne Publishing Co., Ltd

Paju-si, South Korea

Established in 1993, Munhakdongne Publishing Corp is a leading publishing house that specializes in prose fiction, art, and cultural affairs. Despite its not very long history, Munhakdongne rapidly established a new current of promising Korean writers.

Publisher profile: Munhakdongne Publishing Co., Ltd

English Dong-A

South Korea

Service of Dong-A Ilbo, a national daily.

Publisher profile: English Dong-A

45 publishers in the the directory of korean langauge publishing companies of South Korea
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