In August 2008 Random House South Africa and Struik Publishers announced their merger to create a significant new player in the African book publishing industry. The new company, known as Random House Struik (Pty) Ltd, brought together two of the country's most prominent book publishers under the...
Publisher profile: Random House Struik
Publishers of literature, general nonfiction, cookery, arts and craft books, and children's books in Afrikaans and English.
Publisher profile: Human & Rousseau
Affordable books for every age group and taste are LAPA's goal. We know it's important for children to read books in their mother tongue, so we offer a selection of contemporary, exciting children's and youth stories.
Publisher profile: LAPA Publishers
Aardvark Publications published children's activity books on the African ecological environment. For example "Encounters with Wildlife"; "Encounters with Sea-life" and "Backyard Wildlife"
Publisher profile: Aardvark Publications cc
Damaria Senne Media is a media development based in Gauteng. The company was founded in 2010.
Publisher profile: Damaria Senne Media