Celebrating 11 years of independent publishing producing high-quality picture books in photography, calendars and postcards promoting Slovakia.
Publisher profile: AB ART Press
Publishing House of educational literature and books for children and young people.
Publisher profile: SPN Slovenské Pedagogické Nakladatelstvo-Mladé letá s.r.o. Slovk Educational Publishing House-Mladé letá, Ltd.
The publishing house Slovenské Pedagogické Nakladatel'stvo-Mladé Letá, s.r.o., founded by joining of two publishing houses, produces high-quality books in education, crafts and hobbies, health and fitness, history, young adult/teenager fiction.
Publisher profile: Slovenské Pedagogické Nakladatel'stvo-Mladé Letá
Printig house of books-hardcover, softcover, spirale; magazines; calenders; posters; catalogues; maps and atlasses. Publisher of quality maps and atlasses.
Publisher profile: VKÚ, a.s., Harmanec
Publisher of quality books on architecture and periodicals.
Publisher profile: Jaga Group
Publisher profile: Verlag Grafobal, joint-stock company
Fiction, poetry, children's books and gender studies.
Publisher profile: Aspekt
Publisher of high quality children's books of Slovak authors (Krista Bendová, Tomás Janovic, Daniel Hevier) illustrated by meaningful Slovak illustrators such as Luboslav Palo, Ol'ga Bajúsová and Peter Cisárik.
Publisher profile: Buvik
Kinderbücher, Populärwissenschaftliche Bücher.
Publisher profile: DI-REM Verlag
Kinderbücher, Wörterbücher, Sprachbücher.
Publisher profile: ABC Live-Verlag, s.r.o.