Book Wholesalers

Listing 71 to 80 of 89 companies offering wholesaling services to the publishing industries

Page 8 of 9 of international organizations listed under 'Book Wholesaling Services' category. View a list of companies offering wholesaling services to the publishing industry by country by selecting a country.

Oxford Cartographers

Oxford, United Kingdom

Wholesaler and retailer of specialist maps. see IMTA.

Profile of: Oxford Cartographers, Oxford, United Kingdom
List of all book wholesalers in United Kingdom

LifeView S.r.l.

Castelfranco Veneto, Italy

LifeView integrades the high-end multimedia technology in the book and publishing area.

Profile of: LifeView S.r.l., Castelfranco Veneto, Italy
List of all book wholesalers in Italy

ATC Books International, Inc.

Distributor of books, newspapers, periodicals, serials from Russia and eastern Europe.

Profile of: ATC Books International, Inc.


Manchester, NH company servicing retail, wholesale, catalog companies and magazines.

Profile of: Mailways

West Map Company

Manufacturers' representative distributing maps and atlases of cities, counties, and states in the United States. Information about products and servicing programs.

Profile of: West Map Company

Warehouse Books, Inc

Specializing in crafts, children, cooking, military, and animals. Publishers overstock and out of print titles.

Profile of: Warehouse Books, Inc

Campaign 1919

Wholesaler of fine letterpress and other types of stationery.

Profile of: Campaign 1919

BCT International Inc.

Operates and franchises wholesale printing chain, distributes thermographic products to the quick printing industry. (Nasdaq: BCTI).

Profile of: BCT International Inc.

Lidco Products

Manufacturer, wholesaler, and distributor of squeegees for screen printing and other applications. Products, prices, and ordering.

Profile of: Lidco Products

Carter Printing

Provide custom raffle tickets with logos at no extra cost. Offers commercial printers wholesale pricing. Online prices.

Profile of: Carter Printing

89 suppliers in the the directory of book wholesalers

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