Publishing Technology & Software Companies

Listing 61 to 70 of 183 companies offering publishing technologies, platforms and software to the publishing industries

Page 7 of 19 of international organizations listed under 'Software & Technology Services' category. View a list of companies offering publishing technologies, platforms and software to the publishing industry by country by selecting a country.

IPR License Ltd.

London, United Kingdom

IPR License is a fully transactional online rights and licensing marketplace. Rights buyers can search, offer, negotiate and complete deals for whole book and journal rights, licensing & permissions. Rights sellers can increase sales simply, quickly and cost-effectively.

Profile of: IPR License Ltd., London, United Kingdom
List of all publishing technology & software companies in United Kingdom

Booksonix A division of Head Software International Ltd.

Kent, United Kingdom

Cloud Publishing Management Service automates & streamlines multiple ONIX data feeds, ebook feeds and legal deposit. Create AI sheets/catalogues/price lists; track foreign rights, contacts and workflow. Integrated website/bookshop & royalties options

Profile of: Booksonix A division of Head Software International Ltd., Kent, United Kingdom
List of all publishing technology & software companies in United Kingdom


Frankfurt am Main, Germany

We work together to foster the book industry and provide support for market participants in all areas, including the development of new business fields. Indeed, the book industry needs a constant flow of new business ideas in order to be able to keep up with digital transformation

Profile of: CONTENTshift, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
List of all publishing technology & software companies in Germany

eBuch eG

Heidelberg, Germany

Die eBuch eG ist die größte Verbundgruppe und größte Einkaufsgemeinschaft im deutschen Sortimentsbuchhandel. Über 800 Mitgliedsbuchhandlungen profitieren neben dem anabel-Warenbezug zusätzlich von unserem breiten Angebot an Dienstleistungen.

Profile of: eBuch eG, Heidelberg, Germany
List of all publishing technology & software companies in Germany

KIS - Kommunikations- undInformationssysteme GmbH

Kaufering, Germany

Publish Verlage, Standardsoftware für Buch-, Zeitschriften- und Anzeigenverlage, Verlagsauslieferungen, Handelsvertreter, Seminar, Logistik, Versandoptimierung, Rezension, Marketing, Dokumentenmanagement, elektronische Bestellung, Komplettlösungen.

Profile of: KIS - Kommunikations- undInformationssysteme GmbH, Kaufering, Germany
List of all publishing technology & software companies in Germany

Stison Ltd.

London SW18 1ES, United Kingdom

Stison's quality publishing management modules help publishers to understand their business better. Track titles from concept to publication, manage metadata, export Onix, analyse sales, control rights and pay royalties. From one integrated solution.

Profile of: Stison Ltd., London SW18 1ES, United Kingdom
List of all publishing technology & software companies in United Kingdom

Time To Know


21st century solutions for creating, distributing and teaching digital programs

Profile of: Time To Know, Israel
List of all publishing technology & software companies in Israel

Klopotek & Partner GmbH

Berlin, Germany

Klopotek is the leading supplier of software and consulting services for print and online publishers. Klopotek software supports the entire publishing value chain for print and digital products. Our software is based on best practices in publishing.

Profile of: Klopotek & Partner GmbH, Berlin, Germany
List of all publishing technology & software companies in Germany

R.O.M. Logicware GmbHPapyrus Autor

Berlin, Germany

Die geniale Textverarbeitung für Schriftsteller, Journalisten und Autoren von Facharbeiten. Mit der berühmten, einmaligen Stil- und Lesbarkeitsanalyse von Andreas Eschbach, integriertem Duden-Korrektor, Figuren- und Recherche-Datenbank uvm.

Profile of: R.O.M. Logicware GmbHPapyrus Autor, Berlin, Germany
List of all publishing technology & software companies in Germany

Technotects, Inc.

Harleysville, United States

A premier software technology company, specializing in strategy, design & implementation. With core skills ranging from real-time, mission-critical embedded control to developing & deploying Intelligent IIoT Edge solutions on leading cloud platforms.

Profile of: Technotects, Inc., Harleysville, United States
List of all publishing technology & software companies in United States

183 suppliers in the the directory of publishing technology & software companies

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