Indexing Companies

Listing 51 to 60 of 102 companies offering indexing services to publishers and production houses

Page 6 of 11 of international organizations listed under 'Indexing Services' category. View a list of companies offering indexing services to publishers and production houses by country by selecting a country.

Dailey International Publishers

Kari Kells provides back-of-the-book indexing services, instruction, and consultations.

Profile of: Dailey International Publishers


Powerful tool for publishing of the images collections to Web. Create thumbnails, make the HTML pages for thumbnails and full size images, converte the images to JPEG format.

Profile of: AutoSiteGallery

Artemis Press

Wendy Allex and Kevin Allex write back-of-the-book and journal indexes for publishers, book packagers, and authors.

Profile of: Artemis Press

Cardinal Books

Back-of-the-book and embedded indexing.

Profile of: Cardinal Books

Dewara's Free eBooks

Producing and marketing CINDEX indexing software for Windows, Macintosh and DOX platforms.

Profile of: Dewara's Free eBooks

eBook Generator

UK-based freelance service for back-of-the-book indexes.

Profile of: eBook Generator

Ross Gage, Inc.

Provides many styles of indexing products to publishers and printers internationally.

Profile of: Ross Gage, Inc.

Dead End Street

Assisting publishers, authors, and organizations in structuring their information for easy and fast retrieval.

Profile of: Dead End Street

e-Book e-dition

Offers information processing services including database and FrameMaker indexing, online research, and information brokerage, e-new retrieval, and document and website translation.

Profile of: e-Book e-dition

Album Express

Creates Web based image albums. The program includes a wizard like interface, and built in templates, which can facilitate the creation of slide shows, a searchable image database, image indexing, and cataloging.

Profile of: Album Express

102 suppliers in the the directory of indexing companies

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