Digitrans Media's expertise includes digital publishing, editorial and composition, custom eLearning & apps development, image editing, eBook and XML conversion.
Profile of: Digitrans Media
EDataMine is one of the leading Outsource Data Entry Company. We provide Offshore Data Entry Services, Data Conversion Service, Data Processing Services, Web Research Services, Graphic Design Services, SEO Services and Solutions as per client needs.
Profile of: EdataMine
Hong Kong Xin Jie Yuan International Limited is specialized in printing services, with over 10 years printing experiences, Xin Jie Yuan has become the top printing company in China. Our printing services include Case bound books, Glue binding books, Children book, Bibles, Yellow pages & Director
Profile of: Hong Kong Xin Jie Yuan International Limited, Chengdu, China
List of all illustrators in China
Beaux livres, albums, illustrations, graphisme, photographies, publicité, textes littéraires, guide pratique, humour.
Profile of: Editions Hoebeke, Paris, France
List of all illustrators in France
Künstlerbücher, Illustration und Originalgrafik von Frauke Berg, Margarete Lindau, Nicole Kruse, Katrin Stangl und Simone Waßermann.
Profile of: Helene + Hund, Köln, Germany
List of all illustrators in Germany
Die Schwerpunkte unseres 1987 gegründeten Versandantiquariats sind Kinderbücher, vor allem Bilderbücher, Originalillustrationen und Sekundärliteratur zum Thema Kinderbuch sowie Miniaturbücher. Es erscheinen jährlich 2-farbig illustrierte Kataloge.
Profile of: Antiquariat Sabine Keune, Duisburg, Germany
List of all illustrators in Germany
We are the Books making masters. We do Content Development, Content Editing, Pagination, Illustration, Interactive ebooks and prepress works.
Profile of: Gentle Books, Chennai, India
List of all illustrators in India
The Society of Hungarian Illustrators is a cultural institution uniting outstanding artists working in the field of illustration and safeguarding their interests. The aim of the Society is to distribute and preserve the greatest values of the profession both abroad and within Hungary and display ...
Profile of: Society Of Hungarian Illustrators, Budapest, Hungary
List of all illustrators in Hungary
Art-Tech is a new photographic library with a collection of over 350,000 images, specializing in the supply of high quality technical illustrations and photographs to the international publishing industry.
Profile of: Art-Tech: Archive of Technical Illustrations & Photographs, London, United Kingdom
List of all illustrators in United Kingdom
Gudrun Illert ist freischaffende Künstlerin in Weimar. Unikate Buchobjekte und Leporelli mit farbintensiven, klaren Originalillustrationen und handgeschriebenen, teilweise kalligrafisch gestalteten Texten.
Profile of: Atelier G Gudrun Illert, Weimar, Germany
List of all illustrators in Germany