OverDrive is the leading full-service digital distributor of eBooks, audiobooks, music and video worldwide. We deliver secure management, DRM protection, and download fulfillment services for publishers, libraries, schools, and retailers–serving millions of end users globally.
Profile of: OverDrive, Cleveland, United States
List of all digital content distribution companies in United States
Smashwords is the world's largest distributor of indie ebooks. We make it fast, free and easy for any author or publisher, anywhere in the world, to publish and distribute ebooks to the major retailers and thousands of libraries.
Profile of: Smashwords , Los Gatos, United States
List of all digital content distribution companies in United States
Ink it is a friendly and intuitive platform where you can convert your books, manage the distribution of your ebooks and audiobooks, create your own virtual store and print the copies you need, as well as manage your metadata and download financial statements from unified way.
Profile of: Ink it, Mexico City, Mexico
List of all digital content distribution companies in Mexico
Distributors and wholesaler of books and catalogues on art, architecture, photography, fashion and design representing many British and foreign museums, galleries and publishers.
Profile of: Art Data, London, United Kingdom
List of all digital content distribution companies in United Kingdom
Bookchain® is a brand-new platform bringing a flexible way to publish and distribute ebooks, based on blockchain technology. Through smart contracts, the platform enables the configuration of the security, traceability, attribution and distribution.
Profile of: Bookchainby Scenarex, Montreal, Canada
List of all digital content distribution companies in Canada
At Compro, we are helping solve many of the issues that educational publishers face in digital publishing. These include long development cycles, too many dependencies on engineering teams and keeping up with the digital pace of change. We are addressing these challenges with a suite of cloud-bas...
Profile of: Compro Technologies Private Limited, New Delhi, India
List of all digital content distribution companies in India
The World's classic literature at your fingertips. Over 1,000,000 free ebook titles available.One web page for every book ever published. It's a lofty but achievable goal.To build Open Libra
Profile of: Open Library, San Francisco, United States
List of all digital content distribution companies in United States
cloudLibrary™ by bibliotheca is the world's leading digital lending solution for libraries. Designed with an intuitive user experience, cloudLibrary helps libraries engage patrons, attract new digital users and grow circulation.
Profile of: cloudLibrary™ by bibliotheca, Oakdale, United States
List of all digital content distribution companies in United States
Newgen provides pre-press production services, content management services, and full-service management services for books, journals, and magazines. We also offer archiving, conversion, and e-Book ser
Profile of: Newgen Knowledge Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India
List of all digital content distribution companies in India
KITABOO is the world’s leading digital textbook platform for publishers, content aggregators, associations and professional training companies to create, publish, and distribute interactive digital content. Our advanced features and robust technologies drive better learning and business outcomes.
Profile of: KITABOO, Mumbai, India
List of all digital content distribution companies in India