Publishing Consultants

Listing 121 to 130 of 156 companies offering consulting services to the publishing industries

Page 13 of 16 of international organizations listed under 'Consulting Services' category. View a list of companies offering consulting services to the publishing industry by country by selecting a country.

Chuck Blevins and Associates

An international consulting firm specializing in strategic planning, process development, equipment procurement, distribution, and facility design.

Profile of: Chuck Blevins and Associates

Direct Marketing Production Agency

Suffolk, UK company provides consultancy services for direct mail production.

Profile of: Direct Marketing Production Agency


Printing and media recruitment consultancy offers list of vacancies, CV registration and contact details.

Profile of: PTC Ltd

Cmoore Designs

A design firm specializing in graphic design, brochures, posters, ad design, logo design, web design, web consulting, photography, branding, and marketing in the Greater Vancouver area.

Profile of: Cmoore Designs

Southwestern Printing Services

Arizona printing brokers and consultants

Profile of: Southwestern Printing Services

Innocrea Printing and Packaging

A consulting company on international management and marketing for durables goods, food and printing.

Profile of: Innocrea Printing and Packaging

Gregory Watson Print Brokerage

Commercial printing, consulting and brokerage services.

Profile of: Gregory Watson Print Brokerage


Offers consulting services to bring Graphic Arts dealers in the Printing and Packaging Industries in United Kingdom, Ireland and North America.

Profile of: PrintMediaPartners


Printfish offers print production and project management consulting from job conception through production to print completion.

Profile of: PrintFish

E.R. Smith & Associates

An engineering consulting firm for the commercial printer incorporating a full line of services including rebuilt equipment for today's printers.

Profile of: E.R. Smith & Associates

156 suppliers in the the directory of publishing consultants

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