Business Publishers' Directory of Russia

Listing all 5 Business publishers listed in the Russian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Russia that are listed under 'Business Publishers. Remove 'Russia' filter to see all business publishers' directory. Remove 'Business' filter to see the list of all Russian publishers

Rosman Publishing

Moscow, Russia

Publishing House. Fields of interests: Business books, children's books, picture books, learning and educational literature.

Publisher profile: Rosman Publishing

Izdatelstvo VES MIR

Moscow, Russia

Publisher of books on social sciences and humanities, business books. Copublisher and distributor of international organizations in Russia: UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank, OECD etc.

Publisher profile: Izdatelstvo VES MIR

Christian Centre MIRT


The publishing house has existed since 1997 and specializes in publishing books by Christian authors.

Publisher profile: Christian Centre MIRT

Kniga po Trebovaniy

Moscow, Russia

Kniga po Trebovaniy or (Book on Demand) is a leading Russian POD company with printing and distribution business in Moscow Russia. Company has over 10,000 titls with rights for global distribution.

Publisher profile: Kniga po Trebovaniy


Moscow, Russia

“InterCrim-press” is one of the world leaders in publishing reference manuals and books on banknotes and security papers identification. Our publications provide the comprehensive information that allows to identify and verify every banknote in the world and avoid acceptance of counterfeits. The ...

Publisher profile: InterCrim-Press

5 publishers in the the directory of business publishing companies of Russia
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