Book Wholesalers of Russia

Listing all 2 Russian book wholesalers

Page 1 of 1 of all the Russian companies offering wholesaling services to the publishing industry listed in the directory of book wholesalers of Russia. Remove the country filter to see the list of all companies offering wholesaling services to the publishing industry

Inform-Systema, SPA

Moscow, Russia

Inform-Systema is a big subscription agency and a bookseller in Russia and abroad. Our catalogues include more than 7000 titles of periodicals and 25000 titles of books from the former USSR.

Profile of: Inform-Systema, SPA, Moscow, Russia
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Novosibirsk, Russia

Top-Kniga is a major wholesale-retail bookselling company, a leader of the book market in Russia. The company has 6 warehouses and round 400 shops in 162 cities. Its sales exceed 3 000 000 books every month.

Profile of: Top-Kniga, Novosibirsk, Russia
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