Mozaika Sintez specialized in high quality educational publishing for preschool. It publishes the educational program which is used in more than 70% kindergartens in Russia. Also in list there is the popular series for children from birth up to school which is a complete educational course of 84 books.
Mozaika-Sintez Education Publishing House publishes Digital Contents, Journals, and Books on these subjects: Teaching, School, Language, Hobby, Games, Foreign Language, Education, and Crafts in these languages: Russian
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Mnevniki St 7 Bldg 1
123308 Moscow
Phone number(s):
+ 7 499 7283610
Mozaika-Sintez Education Publishing House, Moscow, Russia is just one of over 20,000 publishing company profiles in our database.
Mozaika-Sintez Education Publishing House is listed in the directory of publishers of Russia. You can find more such publishers from Russia here:
By subject: Teaching publishers in Russia, School publishers in Russia, Language publishers in Russia, and Hobby publishers in Russia
By media: Digital Content publishers in Russia, Journal publishers in Russia, and Book publishers in Russia
By language: Russian language publishers of Russia
By city: Moscow
Some of the other prominent cities in Russia for which we have publishers in our database include: Moscow, Chelyabinsk, and Samara
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