Publisher of illustrated books, we're starting in the portuguese industry where we pretend to provide our costumers the books they wanted
Publisher profile: Imagine Words, Lda
A new publisher, exlusively dedicated to children's and juvenile books. Have been working with co-editions and foreign rights, but also with projects of new Portuguese authors and illustrators.
Publisher profile: Minutos de Leitura
Publisher in Portuguese of psychology, medical, nursing and health books.
Publisher profile: Climepsi Sociedad Hédico Psicologica, Lda.
Actual Editora is a young publishing company, specialized in business, management and economic titles.
Publisher profile: Actual Editora Conjuntura Actual Editora
After 46 years of existence, Verbo has concentrated its publications mainly in two areas: reference books (such as encyclopaedias, dictionaries and history compendiums) and books for young persons. University textbooks and essays are also worthy of mention.
Publisher profile: Editorial Verbo, S.A.
Publishers since 1899. Novels, poetry, theatre, philosophy and history. A wide range of Portuguese authors such as Agustina Bessa-Luis, Ferreira de Castro, Agostinho da Silva, Oliveira Martins, Fernado Pessoa,Nietzsche,Russell, Kafka .
Publisher profile: Guimarães Editores, SA.
Portuguese main authors, African authors, children's books, social science.
Publisher profile: Editorial Caminho
Publishes books with improved graphic quality of rare books, facsimiles, encyclopaedias, guides and history of art.
Publisher profile: Chaves Ferreira
A major Portuguese publisher with a very wide range of subjects, novels, thrillers, (photo)biographies, history of art, children's books, management. Our catalogues include renowned authors such as Aquilino Ribeiro and Vergilio Ferreira.
Publisher profile: Bertrand Editora, Lda.