Family Publishers' Directory of Poland

Listing all 2 Family publishers listed in the Polish publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Poland that are listed under 'Family Publishers. Remove 'Poland' filter to see all family publishers' directory. Remove 'Family' filter to see the list of all Polish publishers

Wydawnictwo WAM

Krakow, Poland

Founded in 1872, the oldest Catholic publishing house in Poland. Publisher of non-fiction (spirituality, faith and culture, theology, philosophy, psychology, family and parenting, et al), school & academic textbooks, children's books.

Publisher profile: Wydawnictwo WAM

Wydawnictwo DiG

Warszawa, Poland

Wydawnictwo DiG (DiG Publisher) founded in 1991. We publish scientific books on history, heraldry, family books, biography, memories, genealogy, history of literature, history of arts, archives, source materials, also on CD-ROMs. We cooperate with many universities and Polish Academy of Sciences....

Publisher profile: Wydawnictwo DiG

2 publishers in the the directory of family publishing companies of Poland
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