Art Publishers' Directory of Philippines

Listing all 2 Art publishers listed in the Filipino publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Philippines that are listed under 'Art Publishers. Remove 'Philippines' filter to see all art publishers' directory. Remove 'Art' filter to see the list of all Filipino publishers

Abiva Publishing House, Inc

Quezon City, Philippines

Abiva is the oldest textbook publisher in the Philipines founded in 1936. Publisher of preschool, gradeschool, high school and college textbooks. Exclusive distributor of SRA Reading, Math, Science in the Phiippines

Publisher profile: Abiva Publishing House, Inc

New Thoughts Publication

Quezon City, Philippines

New Thoughts Publication is a budding publishing house, which aims to print books geared to inspire and motivate readers.

Publisher profile: New Thoughts Publication

2 publishers in the the directory of art publishing companies of Philippines
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