Book Publishers of Norway

Listing all 3 Book publishers listed in the Norwegian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Norway that are listed under 'Book Publishers. Remove 'Norway' filter to see all book publishers. Remove 'Book' filter to see the list of all Norwegian publishers

H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard)

Oslo, Norway

Aschehoug represents a wide list of new and established Norwegian and foreign authors. Its publishing programme is divided into three main categories - works of fiction, including books for children and younger readers; works of reference, popular science and handbooks on various hobbies, and we ...

Publisher profile: H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard)

Kolon Forlag

Oslo, Norway

New Norwegian Literature: fiction, poetry, plays.

Publisher profile: Kolon Forlag

Versal Forlag

Oslo, Norway

Adult non-fiction and commercial fiction

Publisher profile: Versal Forlag

3 publishers in the the directory of book publishing companies of Norway
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